Speedball Abuse and Recovery - North Jersey Recovery Center - A needle with heroin sits on top of a small pile of cocaine used to make a speedball to inject.

What is a Speedball?

A speedball is a mixture of heroin and cocaine, which is taken intravenously or by insufflation.

Heroin and cocaine are illicit drugs that produce opposite effects from one another.

Heroin is an opioid that produces a sense of euphoria while slowing the body down.

It reduces heart rate and decreases breathing.

Heroin and Cocaine – The Effects

Heroin can be felt almost immediately after administration and may last a few hours. Cocaine, on the other hand, is a stimulant that also creates a sense of euphoria.

It produces a sense of increased energy and focus.

Cocaine raises the heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.

The effects of cocaine are usually felt within a few seconds and may last between five and 90 minutes.

Both drugs on their own are highly addictive and dangerous.

When heroin and cocaine are mixed to make a speedball, the drugs interact in the body to produce an intense rush of euphoria.

Speedball Abuse and Recovery is vital for anyone with a heroin addiction, and a drug rehab center offers the best chance of recovery.

Speedball Abuse and Recovery

Speedballs ignite activity in your opioid receptors and central nervous system.

They are popular because the stimulant (cocaine) cancels out the depressant’s unwanted side effects (heroin) and vice versa, leaving only the desired effects of both drugs.

However, this may be difficult to achieve, leading you to falsely believe you did not take enough or you have a high tolerance. You may feel compelled to take more speedball so that you can experience the intended recreational purpose.

That is how it is extremely easy to overdose and become lethal.

You are also at a risk for many dangerous short-term and long-term effects, such as heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, cognitive impairment, respiratory failure, aneurysm, and damage to the heart, liver, and lungs.

Cocaine wears off faster than heroin, which means the effects of heroin may be more prominent as the time you administered the drug passes.

Respiratory failure is fairly common when this occurs, even in small amounts of a speedball.

Factors such as the amount of drug administered, route of administration, purity of the drug, mental state, and medical history may determine your experience with speedballs.

Speedball Abuse and Recovery - North Jersey Recovery Center - Cocaine and needled with heroin wich are used to make speedballs sit next to a spoon.

Effects of Speedball Abuse and Dependency

Speedballs can kill in a single-use. You are taking a significant risk every time you use this drug and will experience the signs of speedball abuse much quicker than other drugs.

This is due to the combination of the stimulant and depressant amplifying the effects. The abuse may easily and rapidly turn to dependence, which places you at extreme risk for death.

Signs of speedball abuse include confusion, drowsiness, paranoia, anxiety, impaired coordination, incoherence, and loss of consciousness. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have a dependency on speedballs. It is important to learn about speedball abuse and recovery.

This dependence leads to major impairments in all aspects of your life. Continued use of speedballs is a serious issue and will lead the body to shut down over time, ultimately resulting in death. Deaths related to speedball overdose have been increasing as the drug becomes more popular in many social circles, including celebrities and musicians.

It is important to seek professional help when attempting to stop using speedballs because withdrawals may result in long-term damage to the body, seizures, coma, and death.

Mental Illness and Speedballs

Approximately half the people with mental illness will abuse drugs to combat the overwhelming symptoms of mental illness. This is only a short relief from their distress. Using speedballs covers up the true problem and creates more issues, such as further deterioration of your mental health and dangerous physical health problems. Speedball abuse and recovery is important to identify and get help for.

If you know that you have a preexisting mental illness or illnesses, staying away from drugs is the safest thing to do. Any psychoactive substance comes with its risks, especially in those with mental illness, who are more susceptible to adverse effects.

Speedballs can exacerbate mania, depression, anxiety, delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, psychosis, insomnia, and cognitive problems. If you have a speedball abuse and dependency problem, you must know that help is available.

There is always hope for a better future.

Treatment for Speedball Abuse and Dependency

Speedball dependency will take its toll and make you feel trapped. But you must know that there is a way out and help is available for you. You are not alone in this.

Admitting to yourself that speedball dependency has caused many problems in your life and interferes with your ability to live life is the first step to recovery happily. It is a major step, and it is the best thing you can do to begin to reclaim your life. This is a difficult time in your life, but that does not mean that it is over. You can seek the help you need.

Our highly trained staff is dedicated to helping you recover and being that support that you need at North Jersey Recovery Center. You can begin to take your life back from the grip of your dependency with professional and experienced staff who care. There are many methods for treating speedball dependency and abuse.

Every treatment is tailored to your needs because we place people first in our center. It is best to receive inpatient care so that our staff may facilitate safe medical detoxification. Inpatient detoxification is the first thing we will focus on, so we can ensure your body is cleansed from toxins.

Medical detox may not be a pleasant experience because of withdrawal symptoms, but our caring staff makes it a top priority that you are as safe and comfortable as possible. Once the drug has left your system, our treatment will focus on medication-assisted treatment, individual and group therapy, life-skills building exercises, social integration skills, art therapy, support systems, and relapse prevention.

Please reach out to those who care at North Jersey Recovery Center if you are struggling with speedball dependency and abuse.

Speedball Abuse and Recovery - North Jersey Recovery Center - Several people sit a listen as a member of the group therapy session talks about the risky behavior and bad decisions she made while she was addiction to heroin.

Insurance for Heroin Addiction Treatment and Our Free Insurance Verification

Seeking treatment for your heroin addiction is the best move for your future. No matter your situation, do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

At our center, we provide honest and accurate pricing information for all of our treatment options. We offer free insurance verification.

Call us today to see if you qualify.

Call Us Today

Today can be the day you begin to break free from the despair of dependency.

At North Jersey Recovery Center, you come first.

You will be greeted with the care you deserve.

Our staff is dedicated to providing only the best treatment available.

Our recovery center understands and respects privacy.

With our location just outside Manhattan, you can receive treatment outside of the city.

Contact North Jersey Recovery Center today and begin living your life again.