Unfortunately, addiction can affect individuals from any walk of life, social status, geographic area, gender, and race. It is highly unlikely that you can stumble upon a community that hasn’t experienced the impact of substance use. Teaneck, New Jersey is no exception. Countless individuals have struggled with the effects of drug abuse and alcoholism. The issues related to alcohol and drug use have been known to cause many struggles in individuals’ lives especially familial.

Despite the heaviness of drug and alcohol abuse and substance abuse, there is still hope. In the state of New Jersey, several treatment facilities are willing and ready to offer help to anyone desiring to enter into a space of freedom and healing. It doesn’t matter how long or how severe your addiction might be, or even how hopeless you feel, there is still hope for you!

If you are unsure of where to start when it comes to your addiction treatment journey, allow us to help you. We will provide you with information about addiction rehab in Teaneck, NJ and the surrounding areas. Here, you will be able to gain access to treatment facilities and resources that are all geared to helping you maintain your sobriety.

We understand that overcoming substance abuse addiction is not an easy task. It can be challenging to gain the courage and strength necessary to take a step in the right direction. Many individuals find themselves struggling to ask for help. Other individuals struggle to know where to start when it comes to seeking help. This guide will serve as helpful resources available in and near your area.

Addiction Treatment in Teaneck, NJ

Teaneck, a borough in Bergen County, offers assistance to individuals struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD). It’ll be beneficial for individuals to have access to the following services:

Knowing that there are individuals near you and ultimately throughout your journey that can present to be extremely beneficial throughout your recovery. Guidance and support are both crucial and imperative parts of a successful recovery. If you are seeking to overcome your substance dependence with the help of addiction resources in Teaneck, New Jersey, you came to the right place.

Teaneck, NJ Drug Abuse Statistics – You’re Not Alone

Teaneck NJ is located in Bergen County, an area that has seen the unfortunate reality of what addiction and substance abuse can do. The Department of Human Services gives an in-depth substance abuse report in numerous areas throughout the state of New Jersey. According to the report by the state’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, a massive amount of individuals struggled with substance use disorder and related issues in 2018.

According to the Department’s 2018 overview of Bergen County states that there were 3,793 substance abuse treatment admissions among Bergen County residents. It is showing a slight increase from the previous year of 2017. In 2017, there were 3,625 substance abuse treatment admissions among Bergen County residents.

Fortunately, there are several resources available to help individuals in need of substance use disorder treatment in New Jersey. As indicated in the admission statistics show that several individuals have truly benefited from treatment services. Unfortunately, not every individual has received the help they needed. Sadly, this has caused many fatal overdoses to occur.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the rate of overdoses in New Jersey increased from 2016 to 2017 by 29.3%. Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol have claimed the lives of innumerable individuals every year. You can prevent this from being your reality if you are struggling with substance use disorder. With the assistance of our treatment professionals who greatly understand your challenges, you can find complete freedom from addiction.

Teaneck, NJ Recovery Meetings Near Me (AA And NA)

For individuals who are seeking to end drug and alcohol abuse in their lives can find hope and help through support groups. Many individuals find that they can better remain on track with the assistance of numerous groups such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and  Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). You can find updated listings of AA meetings coming up in Teaneck or nearby with this AA meeting locator.

Inpatient Vs. Outpatient Drug And Alcohol Treatment In Teaneck, NJ

In many cases, individuals seeking substance abuse treatment are uncertain of where to begin. They might be unsure about the form of addiction treatment that needs to be pursued and where they should go to receive this treatment. If you or someone you know is in this type of situation, it might be beneficial to learn a great deal about the types of treatment programs that are available to you.

In the majority of cases, individuals who are struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD), typically enroll in an inpatient treatment program. The following inpatient treatment programs are available which require individuals to live at a treatment facility:

  • Inpatient rehab programs
  • Residential treatment

The treatment programs mentioned above enable the patients to have 24/7 access to medical and professional assistance throughout their entire treatment journey. It will also help with relapse prevention as individuals in inpatient rehab are less likely to have access to alcohol or drugs. Other individuals might opt for an outpatient treatment program.

In an outpatient treatment program, individuals normally do not live at the rehab facility. Instead, they might live in a sober living environment or at home. These same individuals might attend therapy sessions for a specific number of hours each week. If you are uncertain about which rehab program might be ideal for you, it’ll be most beneficial to speak with professionals. Doing this will allow you to make a knowledgeable decision as you focus and consider your specific needs.

Information About Other Types Of Addiction Care Programs

There are numerous other approaches to drug and alcohol addiction treatment. So, before you hone in on making a solid decision regarding the type of addiction treatment that will be necessary, it’s best to learn more about the other different types of addiction care programs. Some individuals struggling with substance use disorders attend an intensive outpatient program, which is also known as an IOP program.

An intensive outpatient program might be beneficial for individuals who are transitioning from an inpatient program to an outpatient program. It might also be useful for those who are seeking a living at home arrangement or seeking to live somewhere else at a point in time during their treatment journey. Intensive outpatient programs can assist individuals in getting prepared for their life post-treatment.

Throughout an individual’s time in an intensive outpatient program (IOP), they gain more of a deeper understanding of substance abuse and the obstacles they might face during recovery. During this time, individuals also develop life skills that will be crucial for life after treatment. These same skills might include anything from job searching, budgeting, or relationship building.

A partial hospitalization program is another type of addiction treatment that individuals might benefit from. While attending this form of treatment, individuals are granted the type of help they need while in a substance-free and safe setting. During this program, individuals gain the support and skills that they need to work through the obstacles of early recovery.

Getting Help in Teaneck, NJ: How to Choose the Right Facility

Finding the correct facility that will meet all of your needs might prove to be a great challenge. It can be difficult to fully know what your needs are, much less who exactly can meet them. Here are a few things that might be beneficial to consider as you seek substance use addiction treatment and New Jersey resources.

  1. Is the rehab center far away or near your home? Some individuals might opt for an outpatient program so they can live at home surrounded by familiarity especially while they walk through the unknown territory of recovery. In these types of cases, individuals might seek addiction treatment at a facility near home.Other individuals might need to attend an inpatient treatment program to escape negative influences and temptations that might be present at home. In these cases, individuals might want to seek addiction treatment at a facility that is far from their home.
  2. Does this treatment center offer a detox program? Often, the treatment journey starts with alcohol and drug detoxification. This process is also known as “detox.”The detoxification program assists individuals in ending substance abuse, cleansing the entire body from the toxins from alcohol and drugs, and ultimately preparing for treatment. If the rehab facility does not offer detox, it may be imperative to detox elsewhere and then enter into a rehab center with its treatment program.
  3. How long will the treatment program take? Oftentimes, individuals are uncertain about the length of treatment. Wrestling with this uncertainty has the power to keep many individuals from receiving the care that they need. However, having a somewhat clear idea of what to expect as far as a treatment timeline goes can assist you in making the most beneficial decision for you.

Mental Health Services In Teaneck, NJ

Many times, individuals who struggle with addiction also struggle with co-occurring mental health disorders. For example, a person that has an alcohol use disorder (AUD) might also struggle with an anxiety disorder. Similarly, an individual who struggles with depression might also find themselves dependent on heroin. In these types of cases, individuals have what a professional might call a “dual diagnosis”.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the effects of addiction and a mental health disorder, it’s significant to seek treatment that will ultimately address both of those issues. Treating one of those issues without addressing the other can prove to contribute more harm than good. This is because co-occurring disorders often affect one another.

For example, consider an individual who struggles with depression. The symptoms of depression can cause him or her to turn to alcohol use as a sense of relief. As an end result, depression will worsen the severity of alcoholism. Similarly, an individual’s drinking habits can strengthen depression effects. In other words, this means that a person’s addiction is having a negative effect on his or her mental illness.

If a treatment program focuses only on the termination of an individual’s addiction and ignores the present mental illness, likely, the person will still experience mental health disorder symptoms after treatment. This makes it more likely for the individuals to resort back to their substance abuse to be able to deal with persistent mental illness effects.

It’ll be most beneficial to discover a rehab center such as North Jersey Recovery Center that will work with you to assist you in becoming healthier in every possible area in your life, not just one.

Get The Help You Need Today

Here at North Jersey Recovery Center, we are dedicated to assisting our clients to discover true relief and freedom. We understand the task of overcoming substance dependence along with its effects can be challenging. It is extremely difficult to fully recover from these issues without assistance from medical professionals. This is why we are here to help you!

Now is the time for you to decide to ultimately change your life for the better. You have the power with our help to end all addiction in your life. For more information on the treatment services and programs we offer, contact us today.