Benzo addiction comes with some serious health risks, however people addicted to prescription drugs, like benzodiazepines can, and do recover. The key is getting the right help. North Jersey Recovery Center offers treatment for benzodiazepine addiction.

What is Benzodiazepine Used For?

Benzodiazepines (benzos) are a class of medications commonly prescribed for anxiety, seizures, and insomnia. They are the most widely prescribed depressants in the US. However, these drugs have a high potential for addiction. Physical withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous without professional medical attention. If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be addicted to benzos, please call North Jersey Recovery Center and get help today.

Benzodiazepines were intended to replace barbiturates, another class of drugs used to treat anxiety disorder and seizures. The abuse of barbiturates had become a societal problem; doctors thought that benzos would offer similar relief with lower potential for abuse. However, they found that dependence on and addiction to benzos can develop even among people following their physician’s instructions.

About Prescription Benzos

Research suggests that benzos can be effective at low doses for a few weeks. However, long-term use of benzodiazepines is fraught with complications. Anyone who takes benzos daily for more than a few weeks will inevitably become physically dependent on then. Still, doctors prescribe these medications for months, years, and even decades.

Benzo prescriptions had been slowly declining up until the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant increase in benzo prescriptions in the U.S. was seen in 2020-2021 as compared to the two years prior (2018-2019). This is largely attributed to an uptick in anxiety due to the pandemic itself and the associated social isolation.

Prescription Benzo Misuse

The US Drug Enforcement Administration has classified all benzos as controlled substances, and all of these kinds of drugs have the potential for abuse. According to SAMHSA, benzos are most often misused in conjunction with other substances including other benzos, alcohol, opioids, cannabis, and stimulants to enhance the effect of those substances. About one in eight US adults – over 30 million – used benzodiazepines in 2018; five million of these individuals reported misuse.

How Do Benzos Affect the Body?

Scientists do not yet understand all of the mechanisms by which benzos work. They generally agree that these medications interact with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that interact with neurons in the brain and spinal cord. As an inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA impedes brain activity and makes people feel relaxed and sleepy.

Short-Term Effects

Many of the conditions that benzos treat, such as anxiety and seizures, are thought to be triggered by the rapid activity of neurons. Consequently, these drugs provide a sedative effect to ease symptoms. Short-term use of low to moderate doses may induce these effects:

  • Vertigo
  • Tremors
  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Depression
  • Vision problems
  • Respiratory depression
  • Impaired motor function
  • Slurred speech

Long-Terms Effects

Higher doses of benzos can lead to erratic thinking and behavior, slowing of reflexes, and a euphoric state. These are the effects that whet the appetite for abuse. Misuse of benzos can also produce troubling side effects such as:

  • Jaundice
  • Severe itching
  • Changes in libido
  • Physical weakness
  • Disorientation or confusion
  • Menstrual problems in women
  • Greater risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Memory and judgment impairment
  • Heightened risk of falls, especially among the elderly

Other phenomena arising from benzo use might include anterograde amnesia, the inability to recall events that transpired after consuming the drug. Paradoxical disinhibition also occurs, marked by antisocial or violent tendencies.

Can Benzos Cause Anxiety?

In some cases, benzodiazepines can indirectly worsen psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, mood, psychosis, or irritability. Studies suggest this is an effect of the substance worsening sleep quality.

Long-term benzo use may have a similar impact as long-term alcohol use. That being said, prolonged use may worsen or cause depression, mania, sleep disorders, anxiety, or other similar mental health issues.

Can Benzos Cause Psychosis?

Benzodiazepine-induced psychosis is possible if the substance is taken in large amounts or mixed with other substances. Since benzos affect neurotransmitters, large doses can cause visual distortions which may progress into hallucinations.

Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction

signs of benzodiazepine addiction - North Jersey Recovery Clinic

You or someone you know may have developed a benzo addiction if these issues regularly occur:

  • Taking more than prescribed
  • Ignoring responsibilities due to drug use
  • Frequently thinking about obtaining and using benzos
  • Intentional benzodiazepine use with other drugs or alcohol
  • Using benzos at work, while driving, or in other hazardous scenarios
  • Repeated, unsuccessful attempts to eliminate or cut back on drug consumption
  • Forgoing previously enjoyed activities in favor of using drugs
  • Denial in spite of other signs of addiction
  • Doctor shopping to get more benzos

Benzo addiction often leads to dire consequences for users and their families. Family problems including child neglect or divorce could result. Financial difficulties can mount up due to mismanagement of money and job absenteeism or loss. All too often, many individuals resort to criminal behavior to support their benzo addiction.

The benzodiazepine class of drugs includes many different formulations. All benzos affect the same neurochemical pathways, but they work differently depending on the formulation. Some are more suited for treating panic attacks or short-term anxiety disorder; others can treat insomnia. Other types can help alleviate depression symptoms or halt seizures.

Benzos also differ in how quickly they take effect, how potent they are, how long the effects last, and their tendency to build up and remain in the body.

Benzodiazepine Addiction

Benzos can alter the brain’s GABA and dopamine systems rapidly. People who use benzodiazepines can build up a tolerance to the medication. Tolerance occurs when the brain becomes accustomed to the presence of a drug, rendering the drug less effective.

Researchers have found that benzos, opioids, cannabinoids, and the club drug GHB affect the same neural mechanisms underlying addictions. 4 out of 10 individuals who take benzos for longer than six weeks will develop an addiction to these drugs.

Recreational Use of Benzos

Although benzodiazepines are controlled drugs, they have a long history of recreational use. Their calming, relaxing properties make them popular as they elicit a dreamy state of mind, temporarily relieving stress. The chemicals circulate on the black market, obtained by theft or from legitimate patients selling some or all of their prescriptions.

Benzos and Polysubstance Abuse

The abuse of more than one chemical puts a person at an even greater risk for health problems and other adverse conditions than the misuse of one substance. These results can be short- and long-term. Polysubstance abuse often adds another obstacle to recovery, and relapse is more likely.

Benzos and Opioids

Medical experts often warn against polydrug use, yet doctors regularly prescribe benzodiazepines and opioids concurrently. The growing segmentation of healthcare practices is a leading factor in this dilemma. For instance, many people receive one opioid prescription from one specialist to treat chronic pain while also getting benzodiazepine prescriptions from another clinician to treat anxiety or muscle spasms

Mounting research indicates that this is a risky combination. Oversedation, the inability to respond to stimuli, is a major issue here. Both drugs can also depress breathing, cutting off oxygen from the brain and vital organs.

Studies show that people who have used both drugs experience a higher risk of death by drug overdose. In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration mandated that benzos carry a prominent warning against their potential for harmful interactions with opioid pain relievers.

The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported a total of 118,208 benzo overdose deaths in the US from 2000 to 2019. Many of these deaths involved the use of benzos and opioids together. Benzodiazepines may have been present in more than 30% of opioid overdoses as well.

Benzodiazepines intensify the side effects of opioid painkillers, making this combo highly addictive. Some people inadvertently mix them in life-threatening amounts. Increasingly often, though, many individuals seek a “high” from taking higher than prescribed doses of both medications.

Benzos and Suboxone

Suboxone (buprenorphine) is a medication used to treat opioid addiction. As buprenorphine has CNS depressant qualities, it is not safe to combine Suboxone and benzos.

Furthermore, patients are most often prescribed Suboxone as a form of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder. People with a history of addiction should avoid the use of benzodiazepines whenever possible due to their addictive potential.

Combining benzos and Suboxone increases the likelihood of overdose. While not all interactions of these drugs cause severe complications, high doses can result in serious adverse side effects, including excessive sleepiness, dangerously reduced blood pressure, coma, and death.


Do Benzos Cause Permanent Brain Damage?

Chronic use of benzodiazepines exacerbate the long-term effects. People who abuse these chemicals may have difficulty with concentration, focus, memory, and slurred speech. Delirium, depression, and brain damage are possible as well.

Tapering off the abuse of one benzodiazepine is difficult; weaning from more than one of these drugs is even more so. Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms include sleep disruption, panic attacks, convulsion, and psychosis. Recovery is possible with professional assistance. Intensive addiction therapy is essential following benzodiazepine withdrawal to reduce the risk of relapse.

Can you or your loved one receive benzo addiction treatment? Yes, you can, and you should – immediately. Abusing benzos is not normally fatal in itself, but many people combine them with other addictive substances such as alcohol or opioids. These are dangerous combinations with serious and potentially lethal health ramifications. Benzo addiction treatment is often necessary after the development of a strong addiction

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms may develop in three phases: early withdrawal, acute withdrawal, and protracted withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal typically start to appear within 24 hours and could last several days or several months. Many people who suffer from benzo abuse continue to experience symptoms years after cessation. The intensity and duration of weaning off the drugs depend on these and other factors:

  • Age
  • Dosage
  • Body size
  • Method of ingestion
  • Length of use or abuse
  • Overall physical condition
  • Level of hydration in the body
  • Type of drug(s) used or misused
  • Concurrent abuse of alcohol or other drugs
  • Mental health issues and co-occurring disorders

Short vs. Long-Acting Half-Life

Each benzo medication has a unique half-life that affects the amount of time it takes for the drug to exit the body. Withdrawal syndrome may begin once the benzo is purged from the system. Benzodiazepines with long-acting half-lives remain in the body longer, so the onset of withdrawal is delayed. On the other hand, withdrawal from short-acting benzos may produce withdrawal symptoms more quickly and acutely.

It may start as soon as 10-12 hours of cessation for short-acting benzos. For longer-acting drugs, withdrawal symptoms may not appear for a few days. Discontinuing the use of a hypnotic benzo may cause more sleep disturbances. Stopping the abuse of an anti-anxiety drug  may trigger higher levels of anxiety.

Method of Ingestion

How a person uses a benzodiazepine affects the withdrawal process. Injecting or snorting these drugs sends the chemicals directly into the bloodstream for an immediate effect. Swallowing a pill sends the substance through the digestive tract, creating a less intense euphoria and slower onset of withdrawal.

Withdrawal and Poly-Substance Abuse

Poly-drug abuse influences the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Illicit substance use with benzos likely increases the number and type of withdrawal symptoms that arise. Individuals weaning off usage of multiple substances may experience sharp post-acute withdrawal symptoms known as PAWS.

Avoid Quitting Benzodiazepine Abuse “Cold Turkey”

Depending on the drug and the dosage used, weaning off benzos can take weeks or months. Trying to quit cold turkey could induce severe withdrawal symptoms such as:

  • Coma
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Muscle pains
  • Blurred vision
  • Erratic heart rate
  • Breathing problems
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Full-blown, life-threatening seizures
  • Delirium tremens – the same kinds of shakes and hallucinations seen in alcohol withdrawal

Since withdrawal from benzo use is so risky, expert help is essential. Professional addiction treatment specialists understand how to taper off dosages to help the body adjust with minimized withdrawal complications. North Jersey Recovery Center is an evidence-based treatment center with years of experience in treating benzodiazepine addiction. We can give you the resources and support you need to detox and rehabilitate as safely and comfortably as possible.

Get Help for Benzodiazepine Addiction Now in New Jersey

If someone you know overdoses on benzos, call 911 and remain with the person until emergency help arrives. Individuals who struggle with an addiction to either or both medications need intensive addiction rehabilitation. At North Jersey Recovery Center, we offer a variety of options to help you break free and live sober.

Helping A Loved One With Benzo Addiction in New Jersey

People with a benzodiazepine addiction often need the help and support of family and friends to break free. The users suffer from cognitive impairment and physical dependency on the drugs, so they feel an intense, relentless craving for it. Still, families can appeal to the conscious mind of the benzo addict to foster deep, lasting change.


A planned intervention gives families space and time to discuss how benzo addiction has affected the person they love as well as the benefits of benzo addiction treatment. This brings the addict face to face with their illness and informs them regarding what to do about it.

Typical interventions for benzos abuse follow these steps:

  • Family members and friends invite the person with benzodiazepine addiction to a meeting.
  • Each person shares a prepared speech or letter detailing changes observed and memories of the person before drugs.
  • The family firmly insists that the person get treatment, prepared to implement consequences if the person refuses.
  • Once the person agrees to get benzo addiction treatment, the meeting closes.

A trained, professional interventionist can be very helpful in this process. This mental health professional is experienced in dealing with individuals with addiction and their families. They can bring an objective perspective to help all involved parties prepare for the meeting, minimize conflict, and ensure that the meeting stays on track. This person may also transport the addicted person to a benzo addiction treatment program.

Types of Benzo Addiction Treatment at NJRC

Partial Care Program

The first step in treating benzo addiction treatment is detox. Close monitoring during this critical period helps professionals spot and address withdrawal symptoms before the symptoms escalate beyond control. NJRC offers a partial care program with daily clinical care to help keep addicts comfortable and safe during this transition.

The partial care program removes recovering benzo users from everyday temptations and guides them through early recovery. Our highly-trained, compassionate team customizes treatment plans for each individual, recognizing that each person has a unique physical, mental, and social background. This care includes individual and group counseling and coaching to help people uncover the roots of their addictions and cultivate tools for recovery.

Outpatient Care

Recovery and benzo addiction treatment is rarely a quick fix. Our intensive outpatient treatment program builds a foundation for a life of lasting sobriety. At our sober living residences, you’ll continue learning skills for life management and relationships. Weekly 12-step meeting support groups and check-ins with a recovery coach provide accountability in a real-life setting to instill confidence and consistency.

Let North Jersey Recovery Center Help You Today

Substance abuse is a chronic disease, like asthma, hypertension, and diabetes. The good news is that while addiction cannot be “cured” it can be successfully managed, just as these other diseases can. Getting professional addiction treatment and adopting a recovery lifestyle is the answer.

If you are looking for benzo addiction treatment, our team at North Jersey Recovery Center is ready to help, but we can only help if you call.