Sobriety & The Stages of Sobriety
Sobriety is a prevalent topic in many different circles. There are also many stages of sobriety.
There are tons of books on sobriety that provide guidance on the best way to achieve it and maintain it.
Although there is so much content on how to get sober, there is little to prepare those about to begin the recovery process for actual sobriety.
This makes adjusting to sobriety rather difficult for a lot of those struggling with addiction or substance abuse.
Sobriety is a state of being sober.
This definition can also be interpreted to mean a state of normalcy.
For people coming from a place of addiction, normalcy may come with a few surprising elements.
This is why those in recovery need to be prepared for this lifestyle adjustment.
To help with the adjustment, we have compiled some unexpectedly hard things those in recovery face in sobriety.
Time Moves Very Slowly
One thing you hardly recognize while doing drugs is how much of your time it takes.
Most individuals who use drugs spend their days looking for a high, finding a high, and passing out from a high.
This constant cycle makes it feel like the days are short.
Unfortunately, days are not at all short, especially if you are not occupied.
Being sober can mean that days that previously seemed like they lasted six hours now last 24 hours.
Being in recovery means you must find what to do with all that extra time and follow the sobriety stage accordingly.
Naturally, after attacking basic tasks and being involved in one thing or another, there is still a lot of time left.
Boredom then begins to set in.
Getting sober never prepares you for the amount of unstructured time you have on your hands, which is why the stages of sobriety are so important.
Being off the influence of substances and having to face the reality of time passing may be difficult.
The slow passing of time may foster some negative thoughts, which may be hard to let go of.
It is not uncommon for feelings of regret about past actions to resurface in these times.
These feelings of regret may lead to depression.
The best way to handle this slow passing of time is to get busy – be active, find a new hobby, learn a new skill – whatever works for you.
Continually keeping yourself busy distracts your mind from the passing of time.
Remember, you have let go of what used to be a major part of your life.
It is essential to find healthy new habits to fill up that void in the stages of sobriety.
However, you must ensure that you do not stretch yourself too thin.
Stress and fatigue can both be triggers and should be avoided.

Your Expectations May Not Be Reality
Addiction is a well-known adversary, and the many stages of sobriety are essential to consider continuously.
There are patterns and information available to help you beat this adversary.
Unfortunately, sobriety is not the end of the road.
What happens after addiction is also part of the journey to healing.
Having high expectations on how life will turn our after attaining sobriety is normal.
At the point of addiction, people around you will insist that your addiction prevents you from reaching your potential.
Continual repetition of this belief leads many people in recovery to believe that sobriety equals a better life.
The truth is that addiction is a disadvantage.
Being sober allows you to have a level platform to achieve your goals. Sobriety gives you an equal shot at life like everybody else. Sobriety is not a magical state where all dreams come true. It is simply reality and awareness.
It is important to come to terms with knowing you still have to work hard to realize all of your goals. All of your expectations for how life will be while sober can be achieved through hard work.
Sobriety is not a one-time state. It is a lifelong process.
The possibility of relapse will always remain a reality. You must make a conscious effort to ensure that these things do not discourage you.
Another thing that those in recovery have to deal with after achieving sobriety is loneliness.
Addiction rarely gives you time to enjoy your own company.
You become accustomed to being around friends, and it can be difficult to be alone.
You must learn to enjoy your own company again and to create a network of supporters. You will meet other people in the fight to stay sober. Find friends who have always been sober, to show you how they live.
Your initial loneliness is not permanent. Do not allow the initial loneliness to push you to make bad decisions, leading to a release. Loneliness is something that every person in recovery must prepare themselves for.
Facing challenges headfirst is uncomfortable, but it is necessary. Prepare to meet a lot of challenges.

You No Longer Have A Shortcut
This particular effect of sobriety is hinted at several times, but only reality makes it sink in. While you were addicted, you could escape feeling certain emotions and avoid certain things.
Now that you are sober, you must experience every emotion. This can be unnerving and stressful. It will be important to identify a healthy, sustainable coping mechanism to help with the stress.
Facing challenges headfirst is uncomfortable, but it is necessary. Prepare to meet a lot of challenges.
Help is Available at North Jersey Recovery Center
Our therapists and counselors are available to attend to you 24/7.
Our years of experience dealing with these issues have provided us with the best ways to help you.
We offer outpatient services so that you can call and have someone talk you through your emotions.
For us at North Jersey Recovery Center, it is not just a business.
We believe that each of our clients deserves the best treatment possible.
To ensure that our clients get the best treatments, we craft a custom plan for each client.
We accept PPO payments as well as other private forms of payments for treatment.
Our personnel will communicate with all of the relevant insurance providers on your behalf to ensure that you or your loved one get the treatment you need.
We are invested in your sobriety and want you to win.