Published On: January 24, 2025Categories: Addiction Recovery, Addiction TreatmentComments Off on When Other Addictions Fill the Void: Gambling, Sex, Working Out and More

Addiction is a crafty and wily disease, and so far, it has no cure. One of the pitfalls people in early recovery often face is transferring their addictive behaviors to other pursuits. It often starts innocently enough. They may choose something harmless or healthy, like working out and getting in shape. 

Others choose activities that may be vices for others, like gambling or visiting strip clubs. They figure they’ll be okay as long as they stay away from their “drug of choice,” whatever that may be. But all of this is a dangerous mistake. 

This NJRC article explores the vices that people in recovery sometimes transfer their addictive behaviors towards. We’ll explain how it happens and how to avoid it. 

Why Do People In Recovery Develop Other Addictions?

Once a person has completed addiction treatment in a NJ PHP or similar program, it’s time to transition back into everyday life. Of course, life in recovery isn’t business as usual, though. This is why NJ rehabs like ours emphasize life skills. Remember that addiction is an incurable disease. After rehab, it’s in remission, but that doesn’t mean it can’t resurface in different forms. Managing your mental health in recovery is a must. 

How Boredom Can Lead to Disaster in Early Recovery

One of the dangerous relapse risks in early recovery is one you might never suspect. Boredom. Humans are creatures of habit, and substance abuse treatment is designed in part to help us “reprogram” our habits. Add healthy new ones, and shed harmful behaviors and ways of thinking. But when drugs and alcohol are a large part of your social life, a void is left behind. Something will eventually fill that extra time you’ve got. 

Peer Pressure Can Ignite a New Addiction

In early recovery you should be spending time with others on the same path. But, sometimes, that can mean being subject to peer pressure. For example, a group of guys in your halfway house like to go to the casino on Saturday nights. You want to be included in the group, so perhaps you go along, against your better instincts. Or guys you lift with begin abusing PEDs. 

The Risks of Emotional High Tides

A significant risk factor in addiction recovery is dealing with powerful emotions. When using, you were numb. Sober, you suddenly face raw, unfiltered emotions again. This can make situations like relationship break-ups feel overwhelming as if you’re a teenager again. To escape the pain, you might seek new ways to fill the void, such as overeating, sex, dieting, or over-exercising. Remember, this phenomenon is a risk for everyone in recovery.

How Do You Avoid Secondary Addictions or Obessesions?

The first step is awareness. If you’ve read this far, you’re likely more aware of this risk than before. After that, it’s a matter of working a real program of recovery—-but also not forgetting to have fun.

Remember, boredom and emotional turmoil are two of the biggest risks for people in early recovery. They may successfully avoid picking up a drug or a drink, but their addiction can manifest in other ways.

4 Tips For Avoiding Other Addictions and Obsessions in Recovery

1 – Have a Plan: 

If you’ve got a discharge plan from your treatment center—follow it. Earnestly working a genuine program of recovery is always the best defense from relapse. 

2 – Be Accountable:

Tell someone if you think a new hobby or habit might become an obsession for you. Don’t wait. Tell your sponsor, counselor, or someone who can give you advice. 

3 – Trust Your Instincts

Trusting yourself again can be hard in early recovery, but you’re sober now. If going to the strip club or obsessing over your weight doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Your sobriety comes before everything. 

4 – Fill The Gap

Don’t wait until you become so bored or anxious you’re crawling out of your skin. Start looking for new, healthy activities to occupy your mind and challenge yourself immediately after you complete drug treatment. You’ll be a lot less likely to get drawn into something dangerous. 

NJRC: Turn The Tables on Addiction—Today

Remember that addiction is sneaky, and an addiction to gambling or sex can quickly spiral out of control and even lead to relapse. This has happened to people with substantial time in recovery, so don’t underestimate the threat! 

Are you or someone you care about in need of addiction treatment in New Jersey? If so, we can help. NJRC is one of New Jersey’s most respected drug and alcohol treatment centers. 

NJRC is in the business of changing lives for the better. What can we do for you? 

Let’s talk:  (877) 790-5873