What is Oxycodone Addiction?

Oxycodone addiction is a serious problem that requires prompt, effective, and professional treatment.

If you suspect that you or your loved one is addicted to this substance, you must seek treatment as soon as possible.

But how do you know if you have a problem with oxycodone?

Are there obvious warning signs?

Only a trained addiction professional can officially make a diagnosis of oxycodone addiction.

There are signs and symptoms that may appear, showing a potential presence of a substance abuse problem.

Knowledge of what to look for is of significant importance.

North Jersey Recovery Center is committed to providing that knowledge.

A spilt vile of oxycodne pills - Oxycodone Addiction and Oxycodone Symptoms and Warning Signs concept image

What is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is the generic name for a common prescription pain medication.

This medication belongs to long list of opioid medications.

One of the most widely known medications containing oxycodone is OxyContin.

Other products that contain this opioid include:

  • Percocet
  • Oxycet
  • Oxaydo
  • Percodan
  • Xtampza ER
  • Roxicet
  • Xartemis XR

Opioids are designed relieve moderate to severe pain.

In addition, they have a range of other medical uses.

Unfortunately, these medications are also capable of producing problems with abuse and addiction.

Opioid abuse and addiction are known together as OUD, or opioid use disorder.

What is Oxycodone Abuse?

In America, you can legally use oxycodone with a doctor’s prescription. In addition, it is vital to follow the terms of that prescription. If you take more of the medication than your doctor allows, you are considered to be partaking in prescription drug abuse. One specific example of this abuse is increasing the amount of oxycodone you use at one time. Another example is shortening the time between each dose of the medication.

People also abuse oxycodone if taken without a prescription. In these circumstances, even taking one pill is considered a form of abuse. That is true even if you are motivated by a desire to ease pain or meet another medical need. Additionally, it is true if you take a pill from someone else who has a prescription.

Symptoms and Signs of Abuse

If you abuse oxycodone long enough, you will likely end up being diagnosed with an OUD diagnosis. Potential oxycodone symptoms of abuse include:

  • Failing to meet important responsibilities because of your substance use
  • Developing problems in your personal or social life due to your substance use
  • Habitually using the medication while doing hazardous or risky things

The dedicated professionals at North Jersey Recovery Center have the expertise needed to diagnose these issues.

How Does Oxycodone Addiction Happen?

For some people, oxycodone abuse turns into oxycodone addiction. Opioids change how your brain functions. Over time, these changes can take on a life of their own and become long-lasting.

Under normal circumstances, your doctor keeps you safe by limiting your use of the medication. Even in this kind of situation, there is a possibility of becoming physically dependent on this substance. If you are physically dependent, it is essential to keep taking your medication to steer clear of opioid withdrawal.

Is physical dependence on oxycodone the same as oxycodone addiction? No, not by itself. Many long-term users of opioids are physically dependent. Their doctors help control the effects of dependence. For this reason, they continue to lead functional lives.

The difference between physical dependence and addiction is emotional or psychological. If you are also psychologically dependent on oxycodone, you will fall into some damaging behavior patterns. This includes obsessing about your next dose and doing whatever it takes to get more of the medication. Addiction specialists call this compulsive drug-seeking behavior.

Oxycodone addiction is chronic. This means it will not fade away if you wait long enough. Instead, you must continue to deal with its effects. Addiction is also a brain disease and qualifies as a form of mental illness. If you are affected by this disease, you must work hard to get sober and avoid future relapses.

Symptoms and Signs of Addiction

What are the official oxycodone symptoms of addiction in people with OUD? Potential problems include:

  • Repeated lack of success when trying to halt medication abuse
  • Uncontrolled use of oxycodone, either in dosage size or frequency
  • Increasing tolerance to the substance’s effects on your system
  • Strong cravings for the medication between bouts of use
  • Continuing your medication abuse in the face of obvious personal harm
  • Creating a daily routine with oxycodone use at its center
  • Going into withdrawal after stopping or cutting back your dosage

North Jersey Recovery Center is standing by with expert staff to accurately diagnose oxycodone addiction.

Can You Tell if Someone Else is Suffering from an Addiction?

You may suspect that a loved one or friend is affected by addiction or abuse of prescription pills. If so, how can you ensure you know what to look for? While you cannot make an official diagnosis, certain symptoms and signs can help confirm your suspicions. Physical signs that often point to a problem include:

  • Sudden appearance of poor grooming habits
  • Unusual appetite changes
  • Unexplained changes in body weight
  • Strange-smelling breath or body odor
  • Unexplained insomnia or excessive sleepiness

Mental and emotional warning signs include:

  • Unusual changes in moods, including rapid mood swings
  • Abrupt changes in normal personality
  • Loss of typical personal motivation
  • The appearance of unusual anxiety, fear, or paranoia

There are also behavior-related warning signs. Examples here include:

  • Lack of desire for previously favored hobbies or other leisure activities
  • A sudden, obvious increase in medication use
  • An increase in suspicion toward others
  • Unexplained distance or coldness in personal relationships
  • Money problems that do not have a clear explanation
  • Abnormal participation in theft or other illegal activities
  • Abrupt changes in friendship groups

You may or may not notice these problems. Their presence does not mean it is correct that someone is addicted to this substance. However, they are a cause for alarm, especially when multiple signs occur together.

Mental Illness and Oxycodone Addiction

You may also notice signs of mental illness in a person with an addiction. This is not uncommon. The types of possible symptoms depend on the specific mental illness. The overlap between addiction and mental problems is extremely significant. This is true because addiction and mental illness have a negative impact on each other. People affected by their overlap can effectively recover through special forms of treatment.

Get More Details on Oxycodone Addiction and Abuse

Oxycodone is a powerful opioid medication for serious pain. While this medication has many benefits, its use leads to significant health problems. Those problems include both opioid abuse and addiction.People heavily affected by oxycodone abuse may qualify for an OUD diagnosis. Anyone addicted to the medication also qualifies for the same diagnosis. Doctors look for certain signs and symptoms when checking for OUD. If you know what to look for, you may also notice these problems within yourself.

You can also potentially tell if another person has an OUD. Remember, you cannot make an actual diagnosis on your own. However, you may be able to get your friend or loved one to seek help. Warning signs that someone you know has a problem may be physical, mental, or behavioral. By paying attention to these signs, you will play an important role in helping that person recover.In some cases, signs of a separate mental illness may occur alongside signs of an OUD. This is a unique indicator of danger.


It is harder to recover from abuse or addiction if you have a mental illness as well. The same holds true in reverse. Only focused, expert care can overcome these combined issues. For more details on warning signs for oxycodone problems, just contact North Jersey Recovery Center. We specialize in timely information that you can use to help yourself or someone else. We also specialize in comprehensive care for all forms of OUD.

Our customized at plans North Jersey Recovery center will put you in the best possible position to recover.