Substance Abuse in New City, NY

New City is a charming little hamlet nestled in Clarkstown, Rockland County. It’s technically a part of the larger New York Metro Area — though you might never guess that looking at its gorgeous nature areas and green spaces or its cozy, upscale residential neighborhoods. 

New City is the kind of place you might see in a TV commercial. Stately Victorian homes on ruler-straight roads framed by sidewalks that buckle from the sturdy roots of the giant old oak trees lining the avenues. But New City, NY is just a stone’s throw away from NYC—only 18 miles up north from Riverdale in the Bronx.

If you or someone you love is battling addiction in New City, NY — North Jersey Recovery Center can help. One phone call to (877) 790-5873 can change the course of history.

Addiction Comes to New City, NY

We might be tempted to blame New City’s proximity to New York City for the plague of addiction that has crept into its leafy, affluent neighborhoods. But the reality is that substance abuse is found all across America and that includes New City. 

Unfortunately, safe neighborhoods, good schools, and even a shared sense of community aren’t enough by themselves to keep drug addiction away these days. 

College students, Wall Street traders, sales reps, and stay-at-home parents. We’ve seen a wide range of people from New City who struggled with substance use disorder. Often the addiction challenge is coupled with a co-occurring mental health condition like depression or anxiety which can further complicate matters.

NJRC is Where Addiction Meets Its Match

As mental health professionals specializing in addiction medicine — we understand better than most that addiction can happen to absolutely anyone. A substance use problem does not make you a bad person. It has nothing to do with your willpower, self-control, or lack thereof — no matter what anyone tells you.

No one should ever be shamed for addiction any more than they should be shamed for another chronic medical condition, such as diabetes. What people in New City suffering from addiction need is love and understanding. They also need dual-diagnosis addiction treatment and healthy coping tools that will help them build lasting recovery and continue to grow long after their PHP addiction treatment is completed.

Whether your problem is with alcohol, opioids, cocaine, or something else — you will find the answers you seek at NJRC.

Rockland County and NY Drug and Alcohol Abuse Statistics:

  • Opioid overdose deaths in Rockland County peaked at 14.1 per 100k residents in 2019.
  • 2.8 million New Yorkers aged 12 and over reported a substance use disorder in 2022.
  • Rockland County had 106 alcohol-related motor vehicle injuries and deaths in 2019.
  • DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) arrests in Rockland County peaked at 688 in 2017.

Superior Addiction Treatment for People in New City, NY

You or your loved one have the power to overcome addiction and establish long-term sobriety. We’re not about to tell you that recovery is easy — it’s not. It may very well be the hardest thing you ever do. But it will probably also be one of the best decisions you ever make. 

Our missing here at North Jersey Recovery Center is to get you through the toughest part of recovery and give you a rock-solid foundation that you can build on for the rest of your life. Recovery is about change and change can be uncomfortable, but NJRC offers a safe, secure, and nurturing environment that makes beginning your recovery journey far easier than it would be otherwise. 

We stay on the cutting edge of evidence-based addiction treatment to ensure you or your loved one gets the very best, effective substance abuse treatment methodologies. That includes everything from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) which challenges you to change the way you see and resolve problems to behavior modification techniques that help you reprogram your habits.

Find The Modern Addiction Care You Deserve at NJRC

There is no better time to turn the page and begin the next chapter in your life than right NOW. Addiction does not sleep. It does not rest. It is relentless. Overcoming a substance use disorder requires decisive action and willingness. Don’t let addiction steal another day. 

Take action and create change. Call now:  (877) 790-5873