After struggling with addiction for a while, you may recognize that you need help. But, perhaps you have become doubtful of the recovery process becoming aligned with your schedule and responsibilities at home. However, we invite you to consider a new opportunity to get the help you need. An evening intensive outpatient treatment program is available to North Jersey Recovery Center clients. It can benefit those who have schedules that prevent them from attending the standard daytime part of the rehab process.

The evening treatment session focuses on utilizing the family as a support system for sobriety from opiates/drugs, or alcohol. Even though this type of addiction is a disease affecting individuals physically and psychologically, it can be a difficult process. Courage is required to get sober when surrounded by friends and loved ones who may still be actively engaging in using drugs or alcohol.

In our evening IOP, clients attend regular meetings with other people going through similar struggles while their families meet one-on-one with licensed counselors. In these treatment programs, the evening family session focuses on improving communication and offering education about what a loved one is going through. Evening individual therapy sessions focus on helping addicts get to the root of their addictive behaviors.

What is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Intensive outpatient treatment can be described as a form of addiction treatment that is designed for people who are unable to commit to long periods in rehabilitation. This may be due to other commitments such as work, school, or family.

An evening intensive outpatient program offers evening hours so that working adults can attend without having to miss work the next day and evening IOPs tend to last between 3 and 6 months. It can be helpful for working adults who prefer or require evening hours rather than morning appointments.

What Is Night Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

An evening intensive outpatient treatment program is a program that offers intensive outpatient treatment for those who have work or other responsibilities that prevent them from being able to attend treatment during the day.

Intensive outpatient treatment is a type of treatment that involves attending therapy sessions several times a week. It is less intensive than inpatient treatment. This means people can continue living at home or in a sober living environment while they receive treatment.

Our Evening Intensive Outpatient Program Schedule

NJRC offers evening IOP programs every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00-9:00 p.m.

Our evening IOP program offers working adults the opportunity to get the help they need without having to miss work or school. This addiction treatment program offers working adults the

What to Expect From Our Night IOP


Psychotherapy is a common therapeutic practice used in evening IOPs and is often used alongside dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). These therapies enable the patient to observe their maladaptive behaviors, guided by practical exercises to rewrite them.

Family or Couples Therapy

Living with addiction and the consequences that come with it can be very hard on family members and loved ones. The evening IOP program offers sessions to support parents, spouses, children, and siblings of addicts in recovery. Family therapy involves the entire family unit to help keep everyone healthy and balanced as they work through issues together.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is a time where addicts can share their experiences and learn from one another. It can be very helpful to have a support group of people who understand what you are going through.

Medication Management

If medication is necessary for addiction treatment, NJRC offers evening medication management appointments so that those in the evening IOP program can still receive the care they need. The evening intensive outpatient program is an excellent option for those who have work or other responsibilities that prevent them from being able to attend treatment during the day.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation work as methods of stress reduction and can be beneficial in the treatment of addiction. In this type of meditation, participants focus on their breathing. They also allow themselves to become completely absorbed in the present moment. This helps individuals to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings. Eventually, individuals can learn how to respond to their emotions in a more constructive way.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy can be effective in helping patients recover from the symptoms of PTSD. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be a highly effective treatment for PTSD since it helps people change the way they think and behave. Patients are taught to identify and correct negative or inaccurate thinking patterns that perpetuate their symptoms. They also learn how to better manage stress through targeted training in relaxation skills, managing intense emotional experiences, etc.

One-on-one sessions with a therapist occur regularly, each session lasting 90 minutes. Clients work together with their therapist to gradually face distressing memories, thoughts, and situations related to the trauma they experienced. Through facing these fears while receiving support, clients can learn how to handle the anxiety associated with these memories so that it no longer negatively impacts their lives.

Have a question?

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guide you

Deciding to enter an alcohol and drug treatment program is the first step to a better life. However, we understand that you might have several questions about our drug rehab center’s process and programs. Our friendly staff is available to take your call 24 hours a day.

How Do I Know If An Evening Intensive Outpatient Program Is For Me?

If you are currently employed, evening IOPs may be a good option for you. Since these programs begin at 5:30 pm and end later in the evening, they will not force you to miss work or hinder your ability to maintain employment.

Is Evening Better Than Day Time Sessions?

There isn’t any evidence that shows evening sessions are better than morning sessions. However, some people might feel more comfortable attending evening sessions if they have problems with sleep.

What Are Some Of The Goals For Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

The primary goal of evening intensive outpatient treatment is to help individuals understand their substance use disorder (SUD). They will learn how to cope with cravings and implement coping mechanisms when experiencing stressors outside of treatment.

What Are The Benefits Of Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

There are many significant benefits of intensive outpatient treatment. The first is that it allows people to continue working or attending school during the day. It also provides more structure than traditional outpatient treatment, and participants usually attend group therapy sessions and receive individual counseling.

IOPs also last for a shorter period of time than inpatient treatment, which can be helpful for those who are unable to take a lot of time away from work or home responsibilities. Intensive outpatient treatment is also typically less expensive than inpatient treatment, and it allows people to live at home while they receive treatment.

The evening IOP program offers working adults the opportunity to get the help they need without having to miss work or school. The program runs from 6pm-9pm on weekdays and 9am-12pm on Saturdays. IOPs serve as the inpatient step down for those who have completed a residential program or as an outpatient treatment program for those who do not require inpatient care.

The evening IOP is offered five days a week and participants are required to attend three out of the five sessions each week. The program offers group therapy, medication management, and individual counseling. Group therapy allows participants to share their experiences with others who are going through similar things, which can be helpful for coping and healing.

Medication management allows participants to work with a therapist to get help managing any medications they may be taking. Individual counseling provides participants with the opportunity to talk one-on-one with a therapist about anything that may be on their minds.

The Importance of Aftercare

Aftercare for addiction recovery is critical to success. Addiction is a chronic condition that requires ongoing care and support in order for an individual to maintain sobriety. Just as importantly, individuals who have completed an addiction treatment program also need access to aftercare services in order to reduce the risk of relapse and continue on the path to recovery.

Aftercare services may include:

  • Engagement in sober activities
  • Participation in 12-step programs
  • Ongoing individual and group therapy
  • Attendance at support group meetings
  • Participation in outpatient treatment programs

Embrace Growth at North Jersey Recovery

An enriched support system is vital for night IOP participants because it can be difficult to stay sober from drugs or alcohol alone. Many studies show that individuals with close family relationships tend to remain abstinent. People who attend evening treatment programs can return home each evening, spend time with loved ones, and find support in staying clean.

After completing this type of treatment program, clients at North Jersey Recovery Center are much more likely to continue focusing on ways they can avoid using opiates/drugs or alcohol.

Please reach out to our compassionate team today to learn more about our evening intensive outpatient addiction treatment program. We look forward to helping you overcome substance abuse, once and for all!